How Many Pages Is the Four Agreements Book

The Four Agreements is a best-selling book written by Don Miguel Ruiz that aims to provide readers with four principles for leading a fulfilling life.

One common question that readers may have is how many pages the book is. The answer to this question depends on the edition of the book that you are reading.

The original edition of The Four Agreements was published in 1997 and contains 160 pages. This edition is still widely available and is the most commonly read version of the book.

However, since its original publication, The Four Agreements has also been released in a number of different editions and formats. Some of these editions may have more or fewer pages than the original.

For example, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom is a condensed version of the book that was published in 2010. This edition contains only 144 pages.

There is also a special 48-page edition of The Four Agreements that was published in 2019. This edition is designed as a quick read for those who may not have the time or inclination to dive into the full text of the book.

In addition to these print editions, The Four Agreements is also available as an audiobook and an e-book. The length of these versions will depend on the specific format and the speed at which the reader/listener is engaging with the content.

All in all, the number of pages in The Four Agreements can vary depending on the specific edition or format that you are reading. However, if you are looking for the original version of the book, you can expect it to be around 160 pages.