Fairholme College Certified Agreement 2019

Fairholme College Certified Agreement 2019: What You Need to Know

As a parent or guardian, you always want the best for your child`s education. In this regard, Fairholme College is one of the most sought-after schools in Australia. The college is an all-girls school that has been providing quality education to Australian girls for over 100 years.

As part of its commitment to providing the best educational experience for its students, Fairholme College has recently introduced a new certified agreement. This agreement aims to further improve the quality of education, staff development, and working conditions at the school.

In this article, we will explore the Fairholme College Certified Agreement 2019 and what it means for the school, staff, and students.

What is the Fairholme College Certified Agreement 2019?

The Fairholme College Certified Agreement 2019 is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for the school`s staff. It is a legally binding agreement that has been negotiated and agreed upon by the school`s management and the staff union.

The agreement covers a range of issues, including working hours, salary, professional development, and workplace health and safety. It aims to create a positive work environment that supports staff development and ensures the best possible education for Fairholme College students.

What are the key features of the Fairholme College Certified Agreement 2019?

The Fairholme College Certified Agreement 2019 contains several key features that benefit both staff and students. Some of the most notable features include:

1. Competitive salaries: The agreement ensures that Fairholme College staff receives competitive salaries that reflect their skills and experience.

2. Professional development: The agreement provides opportunities for staff to receive ongoing professional development, which helps them improve their skills and knowledge.

3. Work-life balance: The agreement recognizes the importance of work-life balance and provides flexible working arrangements to support staff with their personal and family responsibilities.

4. Fair and transparent performance management: The agreement ensures that staff receive fair and transparent performance evaluations that are based on agreed-upon standards.

5. Employee support services: The agreement provides access to a range of employee support services, including counseling, health and wellness programs, and financial advice.

Why is the Fairholme College Certified Agreement 2019 important?

The Fairholme College Certified Agreement 2019 is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it ensures that the school`s staff receives fair and competitive salaries and benefits. This, in turn, helps to retain high-quality staff and attract new talent to the school.

Furthermore, the agreement promotes a positive and supportive work environment that benefits both staff and students. By providing ongoing professional development, flexible working arrangements, and employee support services, the agreement helps to create a culture of continuous improvement, which ultimately benefits the students` educational experience.

Finally, the Fairholme College Certified Agreement 2019 demonstrates the school`s commitment to maintaining high standards in all areas of its operations. By negotiating and agreeing to this agreement, the school`s management and staff have shown their dedication to providing the best possible education for Fairholme College students.


The Fairholme College Certified Agreement 2019 is a significant milestone for the school and its staff. By providing fair and competitive salary packages, ongoing professional development, and a supportive work environment, the agreement helps to attract and retain high-quality staff, which ultimately benefits the students` educational experience.

As a parent or guardian, you can be confident that your child is receiving the best possible education at Fairholme College, knowing that the school`s management and staff are committed to providing the highest standards of education and support.